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To connect a network drive
Macro Macro2037
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Wsh.WshNetwork n._create
n.MapNetworkDrive("N:" "\\x\y" v)
Macro Macro2038
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Wsh.WshNetwork n._create
n.RemoveNetworkDrive("N:" v v)

A network drive mapping is for current user only. On Windows Vista and later, there are 2 users simultaneously - standard user and admin. If QM is running as admin, the mapping is visible only to QM and other admin programs, and therefore is not displayed in Windows Explorer. If QM is running as standard user (User or uiAccess), the mapping is not visible to admin programs; it's the same as when you map in Windows Explorer. It seems there is a registry setting to make it visible to admin and standard user: ... rk-drives/

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