08-07-2014, 06:54 PM
Function InfoWindow
Macro Macro2360
function# [x] [y] [flags] [$title] ;;flags: 1 in this thread, 64 raw x y
;Shows inactive topmost window where macros can display text.
;Returns static text control handle. To display text, use setwintext.
;Does not wait until the dialog is closed.
;x, y - dialog position. Same as with ShowDialog.
;;;1 - create the window in this thread. Can be used if this thread has a dialog or somehow processes Windows messages. Without this flag the window is in other thread.
;;;64 - same as with ShowDialog.
;title - window title bar text.
;int+ g_myinfowindow
;if(!IsWindow(g_myinfowindow)) g_myinfowindow=InfoWindow(-1 1 0 "QM - InfoWindow")
;_s="1"; _s.setwintext(g_myinfowindow)
;_s="2"; _s.setwintext(g_myinfowindow)
;clo GetParent(g_myinfowindow)
int h
if flags&0x10001
,sub.Thread x y flags title h
,mac "sub.Thread" "" x y flags|0x10000 title &h
,wait 0 V h
ret h
#sub Thread
function x y flags $title &hwnd
str dd=
;0 "" 0x80C80848 0x188 0 0 223 136 "{title}"
;3 Static 0x54000000 0x0 4 4 218 130 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040200 "" "" "" "
int h=ShowDialog(dd 0 0 0 flags&64|1 0 0 0 x y)
hid- h
hwnd=id(3 h)
if(flags&0x10000=0) ret
opt waitmsg 1
wait 0 -WC hwnd; err
Macro Macro2360