01-17-2014, 06:29 PM
I tried the code but still gives an error "Error (RT) in get all links in web page in Firefox: not found. ? "
I can't test the regex in the regex builder because it's used for a proprietary software. Hence, it had the extra weird codes that only works for it and not qm.
I can't test the regex in the regex builder because it's used for a proprietary software. Hence, it had the extra weird codes that only works for it and not qm.
;;grab source code - this part works
int w=win("Mozilla Firefox" "Mozilla*WindowClass" "" 0x804)
Acc a.Find(w "DOCUMENT" "" "" 0x3010 2)
str html
a.WebPageProp(0 0 html)
;;findrx - find links matching the regex pattern and show it
ARRAY(str) l
int i
str pattern=
;<a class="comment-count" href="(.*)" title="Comments for:
if(0=findrx(html pattern 0 4 l)) end "not found"
for i 0 l.len
out l[1 i]