03-12-2014, 12:55 PM
Yes, it is that function.
I did an output of what was fetched:
qm_snippet_navList = function
fullpath = container (variable)
The paths marked with the (*) should not be there in stead these should be retrieved:
fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\window
fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\listbox
both foldernames ('window' and 'listbox') are lowercase
When I run the provided code I get only one output:
it is a folder (subfolder of '__ACTIVE__')
Maybe this is the problem:
I used this code to get the item names to be stored in container "all_items":
GetQmItemNames(base_pth all_items)
Then I strip the "[" and "]" and "." and get the path using the function:
But "GetQmItemPath" does not skip the system folders.
I think this is the problem.
Function qm_snippet_navList
I did an output of what was fetched:
qm_snippet_navList fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\checkbox
qm_snippet_navList fullpath: \System\Functions\Window (*)
qm_snippet_navList fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\ddlb
qm_snippet_navList fullpath: \System\Functions\Control\ComboBox, ListBox\ListBox (*)
qm_snippet_navList = function
fullpath = container (variable)
The paths marked with the (*) should not be there in stead these should be retrieved:
fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\window
fullpath: \RR_QM_enhancements\__ACTIVE__\QM_popupmenu\qmpop_dialog_clips\listbox
both foldernames ('window' and 'listbox') are lowercase
When I run the provided code I get only one output:
it is a folder (subfolder of '__ACTIVE__')
Maybe this is the problem:
I used this code to get the item names to be stored in container "all_items":
GetQmItemNames(base_pth all_items)
Then I strip the "[" and "]" and "." and get the path using the function:
But "GetQmItemPath" does not skip the system folders.
I think this is the problem.
Function qm_snippet_navList
GetQmItemNames(process_pth all_items)
str regx_current_lvl_folder="^\["
foreach _s all_items
,if(findrx(_s regx_current_lvl_folder)>=0)
,,str c=_s
,,;c.replacerx(regx_cleanup_item_1 "")
,,c.replacerx(regx_cleanup_item_2 "")
,,c.replacerx(regx_cleanup_item_3 "")
,,midclick_menuname.findreplace(basemenu_name "")
,,str x.getmacro(c 7)
,,int qid=val(x)
,,str fullpath
,,GetQmItemPath qid fullpath
,,GtPathOrFolder(fullpath before_bslash after_bslash)
,,if(findrx(_s regx_filefolder)>=0)
,,level=CharAmountCount(_s level_char)
,,out F"{_s.getmacro(getopt(itemid) 1)} fullpath: {fullpath}"
,,if(findrx(fullpath basename)>=0)
,,,;; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
,,,;; [id] [full_item_pth] [after last bslash 'qmpop_%NAME%'] [menu item ID] [middle click menu name] [file / folder] [level]
,,,str sd1(cnt) sd2(fullpath) sd3(after_bslash) sd4(qid) sd5(midclick_menuname) sd6(isfilefolder) sd7(level)
,,,nav_list.AddRowSA(0 7 &sd1 0)
nav_list.Sort(4 0)