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fill in Word Document form fields - VBA in QM
Hi All,
I came across some sample VBA code for updating a Word form field:

I was trying to do it in QM but unsuccessfully:

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VARIANT* filepath  =  "C:\SampleDoc.docx"
typelib Word {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 8.5
Word.Application oApp._create
Word.Document oDoc =
oApp.Visible = "true"
oDoc.FormFields("PtNameField").Result = "John Doe"

I had first defined filepath as a string str but I received this error from QM

Quote:Error in Macro: expected VARIANT*
tip: maybe you can use operator & (address) or + (type cast) or @ (string to UTF-16).

So I changed str to VARIANT* which threw an exception but seemed to work when I changed it to just VARIANT without the asterisk.

It then tried to open the document successfully but the next line didn't seem to be the right syntax

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oDoc.FormFields("PtNameField").Result = "John Doe"

FormFields seems to be a read only property and doesn't take the .Result member.

Any thoughts on how to proceed further with setting the text of that field?


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