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Horizontal Mouse Scrolling
This works with most other windows.
Function MouseWheelH2
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function nticks [hwnd] [flags] ;;nticks: >0 to right, <0 to left.   flags: 1 window from mouse, 2 pages, 4 full

;Mouse horizontal wheel.

;nticks - number of wheel ticks to scroll to the right (positive) or left (negative).
;hwnd - handle of a child window to scroll. If not used, scrolls the focused child window.

;Sends WM_HSCROLL message. Does not work with windows that don't support the message.
;In some windows, scrollbars are separate controls, usually of class "ScrollBar". Then this function probably will not work.

if(!hwnd) hwnd=iif(flags&1 child(mouse) child)
int m; if(nticks>0) m=SB_LINERIGHT; else m=SB_LINELEFT; nticks=-nticks
if(flags&2) m+2; else if(flags&4) m+6
rep(nticks) SendMessage hwnd WM_HSCROLL m 0

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