05-01-2014, 04:16 PM
Macro Macro2285
Function RedirectQmOutputToLogFile
Don't use ExeOutputWindow and RedirectQmOutput in the same exe process, because then will work either ExeOutputWindow or your callback function, not both.
RedirectQmOutput &RedirectQmOutputToLogFile
;out ;;delete the log file
out "test" ;;write to the log file
if mes("Open log file?" "" "YN")
,run "notepad.exe" F"''{_logfile}''"
function# str&s reserved
if &s
,LogFile s
,if(FileExists(_logfile)) del- _logfile
ret 1
Don't use ExeOutputWindow and RedirectQmOutput in the same exe process, because then will work either ExeOutputWindow or your callback function, not both.
Quote:Also an example of how to use RedirectQmOutput in a Simple Dialog that is created with quick macros would also be helpfulExeOutputWindow is an example. Actually most code is in EOW_Dialog. ExeOutputWindow just opens the dialog. EOW_OutRedirProc captures text and sends to the dialog.