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Run macro in different user's console
Quote:Can we run macros developed by user1 in user2's console.
console == the currently active user session ?

Multiple users on a computer can share the same QM file, if it is in a shared location. Use a shared file, don't use the same main file on both user accounts.

From QM Help -> Network setup -> Sharing and deploying QM files:
Quote:If you want to use same QM file (thereafter file F) on multiple computers or user accounts simultaneously:

Note that in QM 2.4.0 has been changed file format and the way QM opens files.
While a file is open in QM, other QM instances (computers/accounts) cannot open it, unless all open it as read-only.
Each computer/user must have its own main file. Add file F to the main file as a shared file (menu File -> Import). It will create a virtual folder with S letter on folder icon, where items from file F will be loaded.
Normally only single computer (thereafter computer A) should open file F as editable. To prevent other computers opening it as editable (and making unavailable for computer A), on that computers in QM right click the S folder and check Folder Properties -> Shared file -> Load local read-only copy.
When you make changes in file F on computer A, on other computers QM will load file F (or its copy) when starting or reloading main file. Note that QM does not write changes to .qml files immediately; read more in the QM files topic.

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