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CaptureImageOrColor Enquiry
This is a debug version. If some API function fails, shows error there.

Function CaptureImageOrColor_debug
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function# int&result flags [hwndmin] [$bmpfile] [RECT&rect] ;;flags: 0 image, 1 color, 2 minimize owner, 4 disable hwndmin, 8 don't restore if ok, 16 no tooltip, 32 no menu

;A debug version of CaptureImageOrColor.

type ___CIOC POINT'p0 RECT'r xs ys cxs cys xmagn !flags !retry !erase !inmenu __MemBmp'bms __MemBmp'bmc
___CIOC d.flags=flags
int i ho R

;opt err 1
opt waitmsg 1 ;;caller may be dialog etc
spe 50
,if(flags&2) ho=GetWindow(hwndmin GW_OWNER)
,if(!ho) ho=hwndmin
,min ho
,if(flags&4) EnableWindow hwndmin 0

GetVirtualScreen d.xs d.ys d.cxs d.cys d.cys 2) ;;take snapshot

str debugFile="$temp$\CaptureImageOrColor_debug.bmp"
_i=SaveBitmap( debugFile)
if(_i) out F"<>Whole screen bitmap saved here: <link>{debugFile}</link>. Is it white?"
else out "Failed to save whole screen bitmap"

sel(ShowDialog("" &sub.Dlg 0 0 0 0 0 &d))
,case 1 ;;OK
,,if(&result) result=GetPixel( d.p0.x d.p0.y)
,,if(&rect) rect.left=d.p0.x;; rect.right=rect.left;; OffsetRect &rect d.xs d.ys
,else if(
,,if(!empty(bmpfile)) R=SaveBitmap( bmpfile); if(!R) &result=0
,,if(&result) result=d.bmc.Detach
,,if(&rect) rect=d.r; OffsetRect &rect d.xs d.ys
,case 3 ;;Take another snapshot
,d.bmc.Delete; d.erase=0; d.retry=1
,TO_OsdTooltip "Press Shift when ready to take another snapshot.[][]Note: This is NOT a screen snapshot. You can rearrange windows, etc." -1 0 0 8
,;wait for Shift
,for(i 0 1000000)
,,0.003; ifk(S) break
,,if(i=20000) i=0; TO_OsdTooltip "Still waiting for Shift..." 0 0 0 0 0xff
,OsdHide; 0.1
,goto g1

,if(flags&4) EnableWindow hwndmin 1
,if(flags&8=0 or !R)
,,if(min(ho)) res ho; act ho
,,act hwndmin

0.01 ;;windows may be incorrectly ordered, eg like the max window is over taskbar
ret R

#sub Dlg
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

___CIOC* d=+DT_GetParam(hDlg)
POINT p; RECT r; int dc z
sel message
,MoveWindow hDlg d.xs d.ys d.cxs d.cys 0 ;;cover whole screen
,case WM_SHOWWINDOW ;;if on WM_INITDIALOG, hDlg may cover the tooltip
,if(wParam and d.flags&16=0) TO_OsdTooltip _s.from(iif(d.flags&1 "Click anywhere to pick the color." "Draw a rectangle with the mouse.") "[][]Note: This is a screen snapshot, not real windows.[]You can click anywhere to take another snapshot.") 10
,xm d.p0 hDlg 1 ;;save mouse down coordinates
,SetCapture hDlg
,r.right=66; r.bottom=86; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys; InvalidateRect hDlg &r 0 ;;erase magnifier
,xm p hDlg 1
,if(hDlg!=GetCapture) ;;draw magnifier/color
,,r.right=66; r.bottom=86; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys ;;calc frame
,,if(PtInRect(&r p.x p.y)) d.xmagn=iif(d.xmagn 0 300); InvalidateRect hDlg &r 0; goto gr ;;move away
,,z=GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); FrameRect dc &r z;; FrameRect dc &r z ;;draw frames
,,StretchBlt(dc r.left+1 64 64 p.x p.y 16 16 SRCCOPY) ;;draw magnifier
,,;draw color
,,_s.format("0x%06X" GetPixel( p.x p.y))
,,InflateRect &r -1 -1; FillRect dc &r 1+COLOR_WINDOW; r.left+2;
,,z=SelectObject(dc _hfont); DrawTextW dc @_s -1 &r 0; SelectObject(dc z)
,else if(d.flags&1=0) ;;draw focus rect
,,if(d.erase) DrawFocusRect dc &d.r; d.erase=0 ;;erase prev
,,SetRect &d.r iif(p.x>=d.p0.x d.p0.x p.x) iif(p.y>=d.p0.y d.p0.y p.y) iif(p.x<d.p0.x d.p0.x p.x) iif(p.y<d.p0.y d.p0.y p.y) ;;calc new
,,d.erase=DrawFocusRect(dc &d.r) ;;draw new
,ReleaseDC hDlg dc
,if(hDlg!=GetCapture) ret
,_s="OK[]Cancel[]Take another snapshot[]Retry in current snapshot"
,,if(d.erase and !IsRectEmpty(&d.r)) d.bmc.Create(d.r.right-d.r.left d.r.left ;;capture and save the rectangle
,,else _s.get(_s 4); _i=1 ;;remove OK from the menu
,if(d.flags&32) DT_Ok hDlg; ret
,z=ShowMenu(_s hDlg 0 2)
,if(!z) ret
,sel z+_i
,,case 1 DT_Ok hDlg
,,case 2 DT_Cancel hDlg
,,case 3 DT_Ok hDlg 3
,case WM_PAINT
,dc=BeginPaint(hDlg &ps)
,if(!dc) end "BeginPaint" 17
,_i=BitBlt(dc 0 0 d.cxs d.cys 0 0 SRCCOPY) ;;draw whole screen in hDlg
,if(!_i) end "BitBlt" 17
,EndPaint hDlg &ps
,ret 1
,case WM_COMMAND ret 1
,if(d.inmenu) ret
,SetCursor TO_LoadCursor(4)
,ret 1

;0 "" 0x90000248 0x88 0 0 227 151 "Dialog"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2020100 "" ""

Member function __MemBmp.Create_debug
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function width height [srcdc] [srcx] [srcy]

;Creates memory DC (device context), creates/selects bitmap, and optionally copies bitmap bits from other DC.

;width, height - bitmap width and height.
;srcdc - a DC from which to copy bitmap bits into this DC. Can be 0.
;;;If srcdc is 1 or 2, copies from screen.
;;;If it is 1, interprets srcx and srcy as coordinates in primary monitor.
;;;If it is 2, interprets srcx and srcy as coordinates in virtual screen (see GetVirtualScreen).
;srcx, srcx - offset in source DC from where to copy bits.


int dcs=GetDC(0)
if(!dcs) end "GetDC" 17
if(!dc) end "CreateCompatibleDC" 17
bm=CreateCompatibleBitmap(dcs width height)
if(!bm) end "CreateCompatibleBitmap" 17
oldbm=SelectObject(dc bm)
if(!oldbm) end "CreateCompatibleBitmap" 17

,if(srcdc=2) srcdc=1; int x y; GetVirtualScreen x y; srcx+x; srcy+y
,_i=BitBlt(dc 0 0 width height iif(srcdc=1 dcs srcdc) srcx srcy SRCCOPY)
,if(!_i) end "BitBlt" 17

ReleaseDC(0 dcs)

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