08-08-2014, 02:56 AM
Another option - automate your program that sends email. Let the macro do what you would do manually.
For example, Thunderbird can be easily automated to add a list of attachments:
Macro Macro2355
For example, Thunderbird can be easily automated to add a list of attachments:
Macro Macro2355
str attachmentsList=
;C:\Quotes\2014\08-05 Smith - Johnson - Comparison.pdf
;C:\Quotes\2014\08-05 Smith - Johnson - Gen $4500 Monthly 6yrs Shared 3% Comp.pdf
;C:\Quotes\2014\08-05 Smith-Johnson-Thrivent $4500 Monthly 6yrs Shared 3% Comp.pdf
int w=wait(30 WA win("Write: " "Mozilla*WindowClass"))
str sa
foreach sa attachmentsList
,key Aftf
,int w2=wait(30 WA win("Attach File(s)" "#32770"))
,;key An
,;key (sa) Y
,int c=child("" "ComboBox" w2 0x0 "id=1148") ;;combo box 'File name:'
,sa.setwintext(child("" "Edit" c))
,key Y