11-02-2014, 03:28 PM
Function SelectFileDialogWithTreeview
;/test SelectFileDialogWithTreeview
function! str&sSelectedFile [$initFolder] [hwndOwner]
;Shows a dialog with a treeview control that displays a file folder.
;The user can expand subfolders and select a file or folder.
;On OK stores full path of the selected file or folder in sSelectedFile and returns 1. On Cancel returns 0.
;Similar to OpenSaveDialog.
;str s
;if SelectFileDialogWithTreeview(s "C:")
,;out s
if(empty(initFolder)) initFolder="$documents$"
str _sInitF; _sInitF.expandpath(initFolder); _sInitF.rtrim("\"); initFolder=_sInitF
ARRAY(str) a ;;full paths of all displayed files; treeview lparam is its element index
;__ImageList il=ImageList_Create(16 ;;maybe later
str dd=
;1 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 224 280 "SelectFileDialogWithTreeview"
;3 SysTreeView32 0x54030823 0x0 0 0 224 256 ""
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 260 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 260 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040201 "*" "" "" ""
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0 hwndOwner)) ret
ret 1
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int i htv htvi
sel message
,;add initFolder to the treeview and expand; we'll catch TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW and add children
,htv=id(3 hDlg)
,htvi=sub.TvAdd(htv 0 initFolder -1 1)
,SendMessage htv TVM_EXPAND TVE_EXPAND htvi
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,;sSelectedFile = full path of the selected file
,htv=id(3 hDlg)
,htvi=SendMessage(htv TVM_GETNEXTITEM TVGN_CARET 0)
,i=TvGetParam(htv htvi); if(i<0 or i>=a.len) ret
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
if(nh.idFrom!=3) ret
sel nh.code
,;enum this folder and add children to the treeview, unless already done for this folder
,if(nt.action&TVE_EXPAND=0) ret
,i=nt.itemNew.lParam; if(i<0 or i>=a.len) ret
,if nt.itemNew.cChildren=1 and !SendMessage(nh.hwndFrom TVM_GETNEXTITEM TVGN_CHILD nt.itemNew.hItem)
,,sub.AddFolderChildren nh.hwndFrom nt.itemNew.hItem a[i]
#sub AddFolderChildren v
function htv htviFolder $folder
;Enumerates direct child files and subfolders of folder, and adds to the treeview.
;We'll add their children later on demand, on TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW.
;at first add files and folders to separate arrays, because we want to display folders first
ARRAY(str) aFolders aFiles
int lastFolder=TVI_FIRST
Dir d
foreach(d F"{folder}\*" FE_Dir 2|64)
,str path=d.FullPath
,if(d.IsFolder) aFolders[]=path; else aFiles[]=path
int i
for(i 0 aFolders.len) sub.TvAdd(htv htviFolder aFolders[i] -1 1)
for(i 0 aFiles.len) sub.TvAdd(htv htviFolder aFiles[i] -1 0)
#sub TvAdd v
function# htv htviFolder $fullPath iimage cChildren
;Adds treeview item. Also adds fullPath to a.
TVITEMW& r=in.item
_s.getfilename(fullPath 1); if(!_s.len) _s=fullPath
if iimage>=0
if(cChildren) r.cChildren=cChildren; r.mask|=TVIF_CHILDREN
r.lParam=a.len; a[]=fullPath
ret SendMessage(htv TVM_INSERTITEMW 0 &in)