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tray icon tooltips
not sure if this is the best solution but this is working
PLease let me know if there is a better solution..

Function test dialog
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,case WM_USER+101
,sel lParam
,,ShowTooltip2 tti 3 xm ym 200 3 "Tooltip Title" "lightning.ico"

Function ShowTrayTooltip
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function $text timeS x y [maxTipWidth] [flags] [$title] [$titleIcon] ;;flags: 1 balloon (XP+), 2 asynchronous (don't wait). titleIcon: "info" "warning" "error"

;Shows tooltip that is not attached to a control.

;text - text.
;timeS - time to show, s.
;x, y - position in screen.
;maxTipWidth - max width. If nonzero, text can be multiline.
;;;1 - balloon. Unavailable on Windows 2000.
;;;2 - don't wait until disappears. The function creates other thread to show the tooltip.
;title - title text. Max 99 characters.
;titleIcon - one of standard icons (see above). On Windows XP SP2 and later can be icon file.

if flags&2
,mac "ShowTrayTooltip" "" text timeS x y maxTipWidth flags~2 title titleIcon

if(flags&1) st|TTS_BALLOON
int hwndTT = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST TOOLTIPS_CLASS 0 st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

if(maxTipWidth) SendMessage(hwndTT, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, maxTipWidth)

if !empty(title)
,int ic; if(!empty(titleIcon)) ic=SelStr(0 titleIcon "info" "warning" "error"); if(!ic) __Hicon _ic=GetFileIcon(titleIcon); ic=_ic
,SendMessage(hwndTT TTM_SETTITLEW ic @title)

TOOLINFOW ti.cbSize=44
ti.uFlags = TTF_TRACK
SendMessage(hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOLW, 0, &ti)

SendMessage(hwndTT, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, MakeInt(x, y))
SendMessage(hwndTT, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, 1, &ti)

opt waitmsg 1
wait timeS -WV hwndTT; err
DestroyWindow hwndTT

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