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Toolbars sometimes don't launch
Thanks again for your detailed response. I ran the function you gave me on a machine where the toolbars stopped showing up, and it *DID* give output, as below.

Do you want to give me a new function to replace QM triggers, or should we just plan on upgrading to 2.4.2? We are now at

event=3 hwnd=459012 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=205592 window class="#32770", name="QM Message"
event=3 hwnd=198946 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=196660 window class="QM_Editor", name="Quick Macros - Main - [Hook_SetWinEventHook3724]"
event=3 hwnd=196806 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=204452 window class="IEFrame", name="Radiologist Worklist - Windows Internet Explorer provided by NSLIJHS"
event=3 hwnd=132164 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=188488 window class="", name="PowerScribe 360 | Reporting"
event=3 hwnd=196806 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=204452 window class="IEFrame", name="Radiologist Worklist - Windows Internet Explorer provided by NSLIJHS"
event=3 hwnd=196806 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=204452 window class="IEFrame", name="Radiologist Worklist - Windows Internet Explorer provided by NSLIJHS"
event=3 hwnd=132164 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=188488 window class="", name="PowerScribe 360 | Reporting"
event=3 hwnd=196806 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=204452 window class="IEFrame", name="Radiologist Worklist - Windows Internet Explorer provided by NSLIJHS"
event=3 hwnd=459012 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=205592 window class="#32770", name="QM Message"
event=3 hwnd=854650 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=205592 window class="QM_default", name=""
event=3 hwnd=132164 idObject=0 idChild=0 dwEventThread=188488 window class="", name="PowerScribe 360 | Reporting"

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