04-16-2015, 07:14 AM
Member function str.EscapeJavascript
See also UnescapeJavascript:
Javascript function inquiry
function$ [flags] ;;flags: 1 escape ' instead of ", 2 escape Unicode characters to \uXXXX
;Replaces JavaScript string special characters to escape sequences.
;Returns self.
;str s="a '' ' \ [] [8][9][11][12] ąﻟ"
;out s
if(!this.len) ret
findreplace("\" "\\")
if(flags&1) findreplace("'" "\'"); else findreplace("''" "\''")
findreplace("[]" "\r\n")
findreplace("[8]" "\b")
findreplace("[9]" "\t")
findreplace("[10]" "\n")
findreplace("[11]" "\u000B")
findreplace("[12]" "\f")
findreplace("[13]" "\r")
if flags&2 and findrx(this "[\x80-\xff]")>=0
,BSTR b=this; int i j
,str s.all(b.len*6 2)
,for i 0 b.len
,,if(b[i]<128) s[j]=b[i]; j+1
,,else s.set(F"\u{b[i]%%04X}" j); j+6
,s.fix(j); this.swap(s)
ret this
See also UnescapeJavascript:
Javascript function inquiry