02-08-2006, 01:49 AM
I need a macro that when I [Left Click] mouse it will wait a certain amount of time, a specific amount of time, and then [Left Click] again.
I am a newb yes but this would greatly help me
NOT a doubleclick, a set time waiting before second click
(ex. 0.124667 sec)
(ex. 1.35346 sec)
I jsut relized I posted this in wrong forum (i Googled here didnt know RESOURCES was a subforum)
I am a newb yes but this would greatly help me

NOT a doubleclick, a set time waiting before second click
(ex. 0.124667 sec)
(ex. 1.35346 sec)
I jsut relized I posted this in wrong forum (i Googled here didnt know RESOURCES was a subforum)