01-25-2016, 05:37 PM
Quote:Last question : when i can, i access a context menu( (mouse right button) from the record feature of QM, quick and convenient
But sometimes, context menu changes due to files selection, some items appearing and some diseappearing depending of the kind of files.
Question : how to access a right menu item from its text, not by position or id???
Macro Macro2787
;#region Recorded 2016-01-25 19:33:34
;int w1=act(win("Downloads" "CabinetWClass"))
;rig 235 310 w1 1 ;;list 'Items View', editable text 'Name'
;lef 58 251 wait(15 WV win("" "#32768")) 1 ;;menu item 'Copy path'
;;men 31057 child("ShellView" "SHELLDLL_DefView" w1) ;;
int w1=act(win("Downloads" "CabinetWClass"))
rig 235 310 w1 1 ;;list 'Items View', editable text 'Name'
int w2=wait(15 WV win("" "#32768")) ;;popup menu
Acc a.Find(w2 "MENUITEM" "Run as administrator" "" 0x1001 3)