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Dock tags window somewhere in UI
Function dock_qm_tags_window
Trigger !cv"Tags" "#32770" "" "" "" 0x2 /QM     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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;^<-- Paste this in the Trigger field on the toolbar: !cv"Tags" "#32770" "" "" "" 0x2 /QM
;This function starts when the Tags window opened, and runs until closed.
;Moves the Tags window to the right-bottom of the QM window and keeps it there when you resize etc QM or resize/minimize the docked Tags.
;Tested on Windows 10 and XP.

int wTags=TriggerWindow
if(!wTags) end "To run this, set trigger 'window created & visible' for QM 'Tags' dialog of QM."

int wQM=_hwndqm
int wPane=id(2206 _hwndqm) ;;QM_Scc

SetParent wTags wQM
;SetWinStyle wTags GetWinStyle(wTags)|WS_CHILD&~WS_POPUP ;;removes menu bar

,if IsWindowVisible(wQM) and !IsIconic(wQM)
,,if !IsWindow(wTags) ;;closed
,,,SendMessageW wQM WM_SIZE 0 0 ;;restores control sizes

#sub MoveSize v

RECT rQM rPane rTags
GetClientRect wPane &rPane; MapWindowPoints wPane wQM +&rPane 2
GetWindowRect wTags &rTags; int cxTags=rTags.right-rTags.left
GetClientRect wQM &rQM; int xTags=rQM.right-cxTags

;MoveWindow is slow...
MapWindowPoints 0 wQM +&rTags 2
if(rTags.left=xTags and and rTags.bottom=rPane.bottom and rTags.right=rQM.right and rPane.right=xTags) ret

MoveWindow wPane rPane.left xTags-rPane.left 1
MoveWindow wTags xTags cxTags 1

;adjust the Tags child controls too. Remove this code if don't need.
int c1(id(3 wTags)) c2(id(4 wTags))
GetClientRect wTags &rTags
int xSeparator=rTags.right/2
MoveWindow c1 0 0 xSeparator-8 rTags.bottom 1
MoveWindow c2 xSeparator 0 rTags.right-xSeparator rTags.bottom 1
TO_LvAdjustColumnWidth c1 1
TO_LvAdjustColumnWidth c2 1

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