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Drag & Drop of a Treeview item
In TvMoveItem need to set is.hiParent.

Function TvMoveItem2
Copy      Help
function# htv hi hito copy

;Moves or copies treeview control item hi to the place of hito.
;If successful, returns new item handle (on move too, because the item must be deleted and new item created).
;Does not copy Vista-specific properties. If you use them, set them again.
;If hito is 0, moves/copies to the end.

if(hi=hito) ret hi

;get all properties of hi, except Vista properties
TVITEMW& t=is.item
BSTR b; t.pszText=b.alloc(300); t.cchTextMax=300
if(!SendMessage(htv TVM_GETITEMW 0 &t)) ret
int selected=t.state&TVIS_SELECTED

;insert new item with these properties
if(copy) t.mask&=~TVIF_STATE
,int hparent(GetParent(htv)) wp(SubclassWindow(hparent &DefWindowProcW)) ;;subclass parent window to prevent receiving select and delete messages

,is.hParent=SendMessage(htv TVM_GETNEXTITEM TVGN_PARENT hito)
,is.hInsertAfter=SendMessage(htv TVM_GETNEXTITEM TVGN_PREVIOUS hito)
,if(!is.hInsertAfter) is.hInsertAfter=TVI_FIRST
else is.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST

int hinew=SendMessage(htv TVM_INSERTITEMW 0 &is)

;delete hi
if(hinew and !copy)
,if(selected) SendMessage htv TVM_SELECTITEM TVGN_CARET hinew
,SendMessage(htv TVM_DELETEITEM 0 hi)

if(wp) SubclassWindow(hparent wp)

ret hinew

Still not perfect.

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