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CaptureImageOrColor : Continuous recording of the dimensions
Dear Gintaras,
I need to continuously monitoring, while the mouse is moved, the pointer position. Therefore, I made three modifications to your code, as it follows :

Function tempf08
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,SetCapture hDlg
;,r.right=66; r.bottom=86; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys; InvalidateRect hDlg &r 0 ;;erase magnifier
,r.right=66; r.bottom=100; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys; InvalidateRect hDlg &r 0 ;;erase magnifier
,xm p hDlg 1
,if(hDlg!=GetCapture) ;;draw magnifier/color
;,,r.right=66; r.bottom=86; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys ;;calc frame
,,r.right=66; r.bottom=100; OffsetRect &r -d.xs+d.xmagn -d.ys ;;calc frame
,,if(PtInRect(&r p.x p.y)) d.xmagn=iif(d.xmagn 0 300); InvalidateRect hDlg &r 0; goto gr ;;move away
,,z=GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); FrameRect dc &r z;; FrameRect dc &r z ;;draw frames
,,StretchBlt(dc r.left+1 64 64 p.x p.y 16 16 SRCCOPY) ;;draw magnifier
;,,draw color
;,,_s.format("0x%06X" GetPixel( p.x p.y))
,,_s.format("0x%06X[]%s" GetPixel( p.x p.y) F"{p.x}-{p.y}")
,,InflateRect &r -1 -1; FillRect dc &r 1+COLOR_WINDOW; r.left+2;
,,z=SelectObject(dc _hfont); DrawTextW dc @_s -1 &r 0; SelectObject(dc z)

It works satisfactorily. However, I would appreciate your comments. Thank you in advance.

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