06-24-2016, 10:55 AM
Macro Macro2822
But it is only one of ways of finding objects. Try this:
Macro Macro2824
int w=wait(3 WV win(" - YouTube - Google Chrome" "Chrome_WidgetWin_1"))
;find the nearest common ancestor object, not DOCUMENT
Acc aParent.Find(w "STATICTEXT" "Links" "" 0x3001 3 0 "parent next")
ARRAY(Acc) aa; int i
;aParent.GetChildObjects(aa -1 "LINK" "^\S+ (Facebook|Twitter|Twitch|Instagram)$" "" 2) ;;by link name
aParent.GetChildObjects(aa -1 "LINK" "^\w+://www\.(facebook|twitter|twitch)\." "" 2) ;;by URL. Here it works because URL is in object Name, which is rare, usually URL is Value.
for i 0 aa.len
,Acc& r=aa[i]
,str name=r.Name
,str url=r.Value
,out "%-35s %s" aa[i].Name aa[i].Value
Quote:As for the numbers, I cant get it to work.That part does not work with newest Chrome installations because now is installed Chrome 64-bit. Need 32-bit.
But it is only one of ways of finding objects. Try this:
Macro Macro2824