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Icons on ShowMenu - Long Menus
In the example that follows a popup menu is shown using ''ShowMenu''. The menu is longer that the screen's height, and consequently small arrows are displayed on the top and the bottom of the screen, used for scrolling purposes. If the menu is scrolled down and then you hover the mouse on any item of the shown menu, icons on the menu disappear. They appear again if menu is scrolled back to its top.

I wonder whether I am miss-using ''ShowMenu''. Any advice is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

Function PopMenuIconsOverF
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str si.getmacro(getopt(itemid) 1)
str caller.getmacro(getopt(itemid 1) 1);err    caller=si
if ideb; min 0; err out "<>%s : <open ''%s /%i''>%s</open> - Called by : %s" NowT si si caller

str md=
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12
;&Open :1
;&Save :2
;>Submenu :125
;,Item1 :11
;,Item2 :12

str simglo = "1=5 2=2 11=2 12=6 125=7"
SetThreadMenuIcons simglo "$my qm$\imagelists\SES_GeneralIcons.bmp" 1

int j=ShowMenu(md); out j

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