03-17-2006, 09:14 PM
If it is array of two dimensions, then create must have two arguments, not three. First argument is the number of elements in first dimension, second argument is the number of elements in second dimension (can be 0 if later you will use redim).
str b.getmacro("WinTypes")
str c d
int y z
ARRAY(str) e.create(3 z) ;;3 columns, z rows
foreach(c b)
,d.get(c 2 19)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[0 y]=d
,d.get(c 22 55)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[1 y]=d
,d.get(c 82 45)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[2 y]=d
int i
for i 0 e.len
,out "''%s'' ''%s'' ''%s''" e[0 i] e[1 i] e[2 1]