09-07-2016, 09:22 AM
Use "Function help editor". It is in floating toolbar, other tools.
Select menu: Link -> Open QM help topic.
Open the topic in QM Help window, click OK.
It inserts comments that contain help id name. Use that name with QmHelp.
Macro Macro2767
Open the topic, right click, select Properties, copy help id name from address and use it with QmHelp.
Macro Insert QmHelp QM Help topic
Select menu: Link -> Open QM help topic.
Open the topic in QM Help window, click OK.
It inserts comments that contain help id name. Use that name with QmHelp.
Macro Macro2767
Open the topic, right click, select Properties, copy help id name from address and use it with QmHelp.
Macro Insert QmHelp QM Help topic
int w=win("QM Help" "HH Parent")
if(w) act w; else w=QmHelp("IDH_REFERENCE")
if(mes("Open the topic, then click OK." "" "OCn")!='O') ret
Acc ap=acc("" "PANE" w "Internet Explorer_Server" "mk:@MSITStore*" 0x1004)
str s=ap.Value
findrx(s "\bID\w_\w+(?=\.html)" 0 1 s)
err+ mes _error.description; ret
InsertStatement F"QmHelp ''{s}''"