11-07-2016, 06:44 AM
The reason could be:
Keyboard driver. Try with a different keyboard.
Something in your other macros. Try with empty QM file.
Some other software.
ifk uses API GetKeyState. Also there is GetAsyncKeyState.
Macro Macro267
SetWindowsHookEx is the most powerful, most low-level. If it does not see the key event, I don't know other solutions.
Keyboard driver. Try with a different keyboard.
Something in your other macros. Try with empty QM file.
Some other software.
ifk uses API GetKeyState. Also there is GetAsyncKeyState.
Macro Macro267
,if GetKeyState(VK_UP)&0x8000
,,out "GetKeyState says: Up Arrow is pressed"
,if GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)&0x8000
,,out "GetAsyncKeyState says: Up Arrow is pressed"
SetWindowsHookEx is the most powerful, most low-level. If it does not see the key event, I don't know other solutions.