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wait(2 w) and window not found
Hi Gintaras,

In the macro below I get a Wait time out error despite the huge wait times and the fact that the window is already CA. (wait(2 WC w) does not change things)
Function Re_StartMIDI_OX
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int w=win("MIDI-OX*" "MIDIOX:Frame" "" 0x1)
run "$program files$\MIDIOX\midiox.exe"  "MIDIOX.ini" "" "C:\Users\GertAdmin\Documents\MIDI-OX\" ;;MIDI-OX
wait(2 w)

I have solved this by using a function instead of a wait, however I do not understand what the cause of the thrown error is.
Function WaitForWindowActive
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function ~windowName
int w
int i=20
rep 20
,0.1            ;;20*0.1=2sec
,if w

if i=0
,OnScreenDisplay "(windowName) not found" 1  800 350

ret i   ;; if i=0 window not found

In this function: I am unable to find how to insert 'windowName' in such a way that it is repaced by its content in the onscreen text string.
Is this possible at all ?



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