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Cut first line from notepad
Macro Macro21
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;;* To remove a line, do the following 2 steps


;If '1.txt' contains

;Assume QM 'sees' it like this
;Each [] represents a newline.
;A is postion 0, B is position 1,...etc....

;A  B  C  [  ]  D
;0  1  2  3  4  5

;If we want to remove SECOND line, first find out at which position
;the second line begins, in this example it begins at 'D' which is the 5th position from the left
;Note that the '[' and ']' are also counted starting from 0.
;If you run the code below it will output '5'
str s="$desktop$\1.txt"
str get_text.getfile(s)
str getline
int line_pos=getline.getl(get_text 1) ;; '1' means SECOND LINE, here we put the position of line 2 in variable 'line_pos'
out line_pos ;; This should output 5

;Now you can use str.remove
;If you want to remove line 2
get_text.remove(line_pos getline.len)
out get_text

;The .remove function removes starting from 'line_pos' (which is 5) and then removes a specified number of characters
;in this example the amount of characters that is in line 2. Line 2 is stored in 'getline', 'getline.len' is the
;amount of characters in 'getline'

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