(03-10-2018, 01:37 AM)InterestedNewbie Wrote: Thank you that clears things up! Yes the videos are very instructive.
Two last questions, just to know if it's possible, can I also add a background picture to the GUI and change the GUI color?
You can style dialogs to some extent, like: font color, static image, dialog background color,...
Actually you can do a lot regarding styles and dialogs.
Some graphical things related to dialogs can be implemented easily but other graphical stuff can become very complex. The tutorials give some basic examples related to styles but once you finished those tutorials you have to dig into the forums if you want to go deeper.
I think adding a background picture is very simple (not 100% sure) and modifying gui color is also doable without becoming to complex (dialog background color, font color,...).
From the youtube links I posted, the following tutorial covers styles to some extent: