Finding some code in Google but I don't know how to use it
for c c++
for vb:
Dim WithEvents M_Dom As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Private Function M_Dom_oncontextmenu() As Boolean
M_Dom_oncontextmenu = False
End Function
Private Sub Webbrowser1_DownloadComplete()
Set M_Dom = Webbrowser1.Document
me.PopupMenu mymenu
End Sub
for c c++
BOOL CWebBrowser2::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
if(WM_RBUTTONDOWN == pMsg->message)
AfxMessageBox(_T("Right Menu!"));
return TRUE;
return CWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
for vb:
Dim WithEvents M_Dom As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Private Function M_Dom_oncontextmenu() As Boolean
M_Dom_oncontextmenu = False
End Function
Private Sub Webbrowser1_DownloadComplete()
Set M_Dom = Webbrowser1.Document
me.PopupMenu mymenu
End Sub