comment either one of the RunConsole2 lines and test again
here is an alternative using regular zip format that works
here is an alternative using regular zip format that works
str ft
;find Windows Explorer window
int hwnd=win("" "ExploreWClass")
if(!hwnd) hwnd=win("" "CabinetWClass")
if(!hwnd) end "folder window not found"
;Get ShellBrowserWindow interface by enumerating shell windows
SHDocVw.ShellWindows sw._create
SHDocVw.ShellBrowserWindow b
foreach(b sw)
,int hwnd2=b.HWND
,,goto g1
;get shell folder view document
Shell32.ShellFolderView sfw=b.Document
Shell32.FolderItem fi
;enumerate selected items
foreach fi sfw.SelectedItems
out ft
str zf="$desktop$\";;; change to your desired directory and zip name
str fn
out "zip"
zip zf ft 0 fn
if(fn.len) out fn