try this .This is a little different has one function that runs in a loop and does actions if F6,F7, or F8 keys are pressed. ends either when the notepad window closes or pause key is pressed.
Macro Notepad Multi Key
Trigger !a"" "Notepad"
I cleaned up the code some changed reflected above. Like i said in previous post don't use F1 F3 or F5 as they are already assigned hotkeys in notepad
Macro Notepad Multi Key
Trigger !a"" "Notepad"
int vk w
,w=win("" "Notepad"); if !w;ret
,,vk=wait(0.3 K)
,,,w=win("" "Notepad"); if !w; ret
,if win()!=w
,,act w
,sel vk
,,case VK_F6
,,paste+ _s
,,case VK_F7
,,paste+ _s
,,case VK_F8
,,paste+ _s
I cleaned up the code some changed reflected above. Like i said in previous post don't use F1 F3 or F5 as they are already assigned hotkeys in notepad