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How to encrypt the password field in the command line
Macro Macro37
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str encryption_decryption_key="this_is_the_password"
str ss="TEST 123" ;; The string to be encrypted (password for the ghost command line)

str ss_encrypted.encrypt(1|8 ss encryption_decryption_key)
out ss_encrypted ;; 6600915583585BD5 , this is the encrypted state of 'TEST 123'

str ss_decrypted.decrypt(1|8 ss_encrypted encryption_decryption_key)
out ss_decrypted ;; 'TEST 123' ,  this is the decrypted state of '6600915583585BD5' (used as password below in ghost command-line)

opt waitmsg 1

int exitCode1=run("''$qm$\Ghost64.exe''" F"-clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1,dst=''E:\Back.GHO'' -z9 -sure -pwd={ss_decrypted}" "" "" 16|0x400); err
mes "Backup is ok"

;; Paths in commandline are double quoted. Try to make a habit of it.
;; Copy and paste this code in QM and within the code
;; put cursor within the blue 'encrypt' OR 'decrypt' then press [F1]

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RE: How to encrypt the password field in the command line - by r0n - 08-28-2018, 05:52 PM

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