new code:
Macro Macro2
[b]If the function [b][b]RunConsole2[/b] add a parameter, can get the code behind the echo, call in QM, it is much more convenient [/b][/b]
After running the bat code, or the VBS code, I need to call some variables or results in the QM code. It would be very convenient to capture the value of echo.
Macro Macro2
str s=
;set src=1.txt
;for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
;if exist %%a:\nul (
;;;;for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s/a/b/a-d "%%a:\%src%" 2^>nul') do (
;;;;;;;;echo %%i>>c:\i.txt
__TempFile f.Init(".bat" "" "" s)
RunConsole2 f
str i.getfile("C:\i.txt")
cop i "$Desktop$"
[b]If the function [b][b]RunConsole2[/b] add a parameter, can get the code behind the echo, call in QM, it is much more convenient [/b][/b]
After running the bat code, or the VBS code, I need to call some variables or results in the QM code. It would be very convenient to capture the value of echo.