01-21-2019, 02:52 AM
test output then show here then can sort it
run this
Function Get_SSIDandPassword
and see what output is for wlpassword
run this
Function Get_SSIDandPassword
str wlpassword wlname cl="cmd.exe /C NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACE | findstr /r ''^....SSID''"
RunConsole2 cl wlname
wlname.replacerx("SSID :" "")
out wlname
cl=F"cmd.exe /C netsh wlan show profile name={wlname} key=clear | findstr Key"
RunConsole2 cl wlpassword
;wlpassword.replacerx("Key Content :" "")
out wlpassword
and see what output is for wlpassword