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activating windows with dynamic name
1. Is it possible to match unknown length wild cards?  
yes as long as the maxlength is higher than the unknown length 

in the regex pattern [a-zA-Z]{3,5} matches any letters 3 to 5 characters long the {3,5} the 3 is the min number to match the 5 is the max. can change either number. The [] means characters in set. So could do

[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,50} which would match any group of letters and or letters and numbers 3 to 50 characters long

2. Is it possible to include characters other than letters in the wildcard e.g. "-","%","+" etc and multiple wildcards at different points in the window name?
regular expressions are a very powerful tool

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int w1=win("test .{3,50} black .{3,50}" "Notepad" "Notepad" 0x200)

will match name  test followed by any character 3-50 in length followed by black followed by  any character 3-50 in length

another quick example for a more complicated search with random characters in the middle and the end

Function RandomNotepadName2
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int w
run "$system$\notepad.exe" "" "" "" 0x800 win("" "Notepad") w
rep 10
,str mp ep
,mp.RandomString(3 50)
,ep.RandomString(3 50)
,_s.format("test %s black %s" mp ep)
,int w1=win("test .{3,50} black .{3,50}" "Notepad" "Notepad" 0x200) 
,act w1
,act _hwndqm

Messages In This Thread
RE: activating windows with dynamic name - by Kevin - 02-06-2019, 06:58 PM
RE: activating windows with dynamic name - by r0n - 02-11-2019, 05:07 AM

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