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Capture mouse and add to command
I use a timestamp like this. How could I also replace the test2.jpg to 1902081409.jpg (that being the current timestamp). Thanks
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DateTime t.FromComputerTime
str sf=t.ToStrFormat("{yyMMdd}{HHmm}")
key (sf)

Is this the bestway?
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int px(xm) py(ym)
DateTime t.FromComputerTime
str sf=t.ToStrFormat("{yyMMdd}{HHmm}")
str s="screenpresso.exe -captureregion ''D:\Test\test2.jpg'' 0;0;1280;720"
s.replacerx("(\d+;\d+)" F"{px};{py}" 4)
s.replacerx("(test2)" F"{sf}" 4)
out s
RunConsole2 s

Messages In This Thread
Capture mouse and add to command - by pctechtv - 02-08-2019, 04:04 AM
RE: Capture mouse and add to command - by Kevin - 02-08-2019, 04:39 AM
RE: Capture mouse and add to command - by pctechtv - 02-08-2019, 07:10 PM
RE: Capture mouse and add to command - by Kevin - 02-08-2019, 08:30 PM

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