I solved the escaping problem successfully with a single line of code.
Function PasteAutoInputDialog add code:
s.findreplace("$cel" "$sel")
This is probably the easiest way
Autotext Autotext3
Trigger $t
Function PasteAutoInputDialog
I solved the escaping problem successfully with a single line of code.
Function PasteAutoInputDialog add code:
s.findreplace("$cel" "$sel")
This is probably the easiest way
Autotext Autotext3
Trigger $t
var :sub.Sub2 ;;var
#sub Sub2 m
;,case "$cel_$inp_Name$$"
Function PasteAutoInputDialog
function $template
;Calls <help>AutoInputDialog</help> and pastes the text. Also sets caret if need.
;;Dear Mr. $inp_Customer$,
;;thank you for contacting us. The price is $$inp_Price$. Let's meet next $inp_Day$.
;;Thanks and best regards,
int nLeft
str s=AutoInputDialog(template nLeft)
;Indirectly solve the escaping problem (replace $cel with $sel)
s.findreplace("$cel" "$sel")
spe 10
paste s
if(nLeft) key L(#nLeft)