I also just found out that if there is a space between the parameters, it can run successfully.
function# hwnd [ARRAY(int)&ai] [ARRAY(str)&as]
Function LB_GetSelectedItems
This problem is still not solved
I also just found out that if there is a space between the parameters, it can run successfully.
function# hwnd [ARRAY(int)&ai] [ARRAY(str)&as]
Function LB_GetSelectedItems
function# hwnd [ARRAY(int)&ai] [ARRAY(str)&as]
;Gets selected items in a multisel listbox control.
;Returns number of selected items.
;hwnd - control handle.
;ai - array variable that receives indices of selected items. Optional, can be 0.
;as - array variable that receives text of selected items. Optional, can be 0.
;The control must belong to current process. Use eg in dialog procedures.
if(&ai) ai=0
;if(&as) as=0
int i n
n=SendMessage(hwnd LB_GETSELCOUNT 0 0); if(n<1) ret
if &ai or &as
,ARRAY(int) _ai; if(!&ai) &ai=_ai
,n=SendMessage(hwnd LB_GETSELITEMS n &ai[0]); if(n<0) n=0
,if(n!ai.len) ai.redim(n)
,if &as
,,for(i 0 n) LB_GetItemText(hwnd ai[i] as[i])
ret n
This problem is still not solved