Macro Macro3
I can't get the result, why?
I want to get the value of the array (words_result) and element (words)
Macro Macro4
Macro Macro3
str ss.getfile("$desktop$\1.png");; change to file location
_s.encrypt(4 ss "" 2)
out _s
I can't get the result, why?
I want to get the value of the array (words_result) and element (words)
Macro Macro4
str s="{''log_id'': 3615722016662107394, ''direction'': 0, ''words_result_num'': 1, ''words_result'': [{''probability'': {''variance'': 0.002108, ''average'': 0.954701, ''min'': 0.838457}, ''words'': ''Quick Macros-automation software for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Some features''}]}"
IXml x=JsonToXml(s 1)
IXmlNode ro=x.RootElement
;out ro.Child("words_result_num").Value
;out ro.Child("direction").Value
ARRAY(IXmlNode) a1; ro.Path("words_result/*" a1)
int i; for(i 0 a1.len) out a1[i].Value