qm2 development has stopped only bug fixes are addressed
will need to make your own capture function and then click use existing...
for example use something like this
Function CaptureImageSaveAsPng
will need to make your own capture function and then click use existing...
for example use something like this
Function CaptureImageSaveAsPng
__GdiHandle hb
if(!CaptureImageOrColor(hb 0 _hwndqm "" r)) ret
mkdir "QM_CaptureImages" "$desktop$";;create folder if it doesnt exist to save images in
str sFolderName = "$desktop$\QM_CaptureImages\"
str sFileName.timeformat("{yyyy-MM-dd}_{HH-mm-ss}_QmCapture");;unique filename to avoid problems
str sFormat = ".png";;i use png for smaller filesize
str sFile.format("%s%s%s" sFolderName sFileName sFormat)
;save image
#compile "__Gdip"
GdipBitmap im
if(!im.FromHBITMAP(hb)) end "error"
if(!im.Save(sFile)) end "error"
out sFile