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Turning buttons on and off
Edit function BIMouseProc. Below the 'else' line insert:
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,,sel wParam
,,,case [WM_LBUTTONDOWN,WM_LBUTTONUP] if(g_dontBlock&1) goto g1
,,,case [WM_RBUTTONDOWN,WM_RBUTTONUP] if(g_dontBlock&2) goto g1
,,,case [WM_MBUTTONDOWN,WM_MBUTTONUP] if(g_dontBlock&4) goto g1

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int+ g_dontBlock=2 ;;2 is flag to not block right; 1 left, 4 middle. You can add two flags to not block two buttons. If 0, blocks all buttons. If 7 - none.
BlockInput2 2 0 1

Messages In This Thread
Turning buttons on and off - by InterestedNewbie - 06-13-2019, 01:15 PM
RE: Turning buttons on and off - by Gintaras - 06-13-2019, 03:24 PM

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