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Exception handling of running functions in a dialog

About use err block:

1.If err+ is added to the end, there is no popup message box at runtime

2.It would be great if add an option to the function err( can log the error message and the line number of the command where the error occurred.), for example:

err+ "$desktop$\err_logo.txt"

Function func3
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run "abc" "" "" "" 0x100
int w=wait(30 WA win("" "Notepad"))
act w
;err+ ;;run ok
MES m.timeout=3;"OCa"; m.default='C'
mes("There are already 3 lines of commands skipped above" "" m)
err+ ;;run not ok

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RE: Exception handling of running functions in a dialog - by win - 06-29-2019, 10:38 PM

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