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Simple Dialogue Box
I'm a newbie Quick Macros user, so please bear with me for being a moron...

I want to create a dialog (or input or message or whatever the best description of it is) box that pops up with two options. If the user selects option 1, it goes to point A in the macro. If the user selects option 2, it goes to point B in the macro.

It seems like this should be drop dead easy, but all the documentation and forum posts I've found are so detailed and complex, it's overwhelming. I've yet to find any instructions or examples for how to do something so simple. Can anyone advise?


Messages In This Thread
Simple Dialogue Box - by wyattwilson - 07-25-2019, 02:55 AM
RE: Simple Dialogue Box - by r0n - 07-25-2019, 11:46 AM

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