this will get all cells in all rows
the first for loop starts on 1 instead of 0 since we don't need row 1 in this case
this will get all the cells of a row
You should be able to work out your next move with one of these . If not come back and someone should be able to help.
the first for loop starts on 1 instead of 0 since we don't need row 1 in this case
ExcelSheet es.Init
ARRAY(str) a
int r c
es.CellsToArray(a "" 3)
out "---- all ----"
for r 1 a.len
,for c 0 a.len(1)
,,out "--row-- %i --col-- %i" r+1 c
,,out a[c r]
this will get all the cells of a row
ExcelSheet es.Init
ARRAY(str) a
int r c
int row=2;; change this number to a specifc row
,es.CellsToArray(a ExcelRow(row) 3)
,out "---- row %i ----" row
,for c 0 a.len(1) ;;for each column
,,out a[c 0]
You should be able to work out your next move with one of these . If not come back and someone should be able to help.