09-27-2020, 09:58 AM
I want to make this for chrome browser. I have an extension - Tabcopy - which copies title n url of current tab. I want to do this -
1. Move mouse (not click) to the chrome extension icon (which is next to address bar) (Can I somehow treat chrome extension icon as child of chrome, to click to its extension icon accurately ? This wud be very helpful)
2. Wait for 1.2 sec
3. Now click on the extension icon.
4. Now after getting the tile n url of current pg copied to clipboard after clicking on extension icon, I want current date+time to be copied to clipboard in a custom format - like 03:15 PM - 27Sep20 (for todays 12hour format time n date)
5. Next I want that the selected text which I have already selected before running this macro, in chrome, is copied to clipboard - this just needs ctrl + c key to be pressed.
6. Now I want all these things copied alltogether to clipboard - The titlenurl got + newline + custom date + newline + a fixed text line like (MY CHROME COPIED CONTENTS) + newline + newline + selected text.
This wud be done by saving to different variables in quickmacros, the clipboard content got at above steps and merging them all up with newlines n my fixed line above.
Need help on creating this all.
Thanks really.
I want to make this for chrome browser. I have an extension - Tabcopy - which copies title n url of current tab. I want to do this -
1. Move mouse (not click) to the chrome extension icon (which is next to address bar) (Can I somehow treat chrome extension icon as child of chrome, to click to its extension icon accurately ? This wud be very helpful)
2. Wait for 1.2 sec
3. Now click on the extension icon.
4. Now after getting the tile n url of current pg copied to clipboard after clicking on extension icon, I want current date+time to be copied to clipboard in a custom format - like 03:15 PM - 27Sep20 (for todays 12hour format time n date)
5. Next I want that the selected text which I have already selected before running this macro, in chrome, is copied to clipboard - this just needs ctrl + c key to be pressed.
6. Now I want all these things copied alltogether to clipboard - The titlenurl got + newline + custom date + newline + a fixed text line like (MY CHROME COPIED CONTENTS) + newline + newline + selected text.
This wud be done by saving to different variables in quickmacros, the clipboard content got at above steps and merging them all up with newlines n my fixed line above.
Need help on creating this all.
Thanks really.