hello everyone,
Executing Python code in qm3 will be very simple. I tried the following code, but no output, why? Thanks in advance
Download and unzip Libraries.zip , and put it in the folder C:\program files\qm3\libraries
Executing Python code in qm3 will be very simple. I tried the following code, but no output, why? Thanks in advance
Download and unzip Libraries.zip , and put it in the folder C:\program files\qm3\libraries
C# code:
// script "ironpython.cs" /*/ r Libraries\IronPython.dll; r Libraries\Microsoft.Scripting.dll; r Libraries\Microsoft.Dynamic.dll; /*/ //.
using Au; using System; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
partial class Script : AScript { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] a) => new Script(a); Script(string[] args) { //;;;
ScriptEngine pythonEngine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptSource pythonScript = pythonEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("print 'Hello World!'");