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Systreeview32 search from subtree element
I'm a new QM user, but I'm finding my way around pretty well and liking what I see.  I use macros extensively.  I'm a bit stuck on a SysTreeView though.  When I search for an element, it seems to be searching from the top.  I'm trying to figure out how to tell the App.Find to start searching from a given tree element.

I have a tree that has multiple occurrences of a given text.  For example

+ Device A
   + Interfaces
       + Port 0
           - IP Address
+ Device B
   + Interfaces
       + Port 0
           - IP Address

I'm oversimplifying on purpose...  But here's what is going on.  I first find the Device that i'm looking for.  Say it's Device B in this case.  I do something like this:

int w3=win("Gadgets" "Afx:*" "" 0x4)
Acc a3.Find(w3 "OUTLINEITEM" "Device B" "class=SysTreeView32[]id=59648" 0x1035)

act w3
act a3
int c3 = child(a3)
SendMessage c3 LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE a3.elem-1 0 ;; scroll to the location
a3.Select(3) ;; select and focus

Then I want to find the IP Address element of that particular device.  But when I do the following, it almost always finds a leaf element of a different device somewhere higher in the tree.  In this case, I have about 150 devices and each device has about 30 top level children and about a total of 1500 leaf parameters.  I just want to tell the "Find" to start at the "selected" object.

int w=win("Gadgets" "Afx:*" "" 0x4)
Acc a.Find(w "OUTLINEITEM" "IP Address" "class=SysTreeView32[]id=59648" 0x1035)

Any Ideas?

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Systreeview32 search from subtree element - by netdude78 - 03-02-2021, 03:17 AM

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