This macro records keys as text for 5 seconds.
Macro Macro3166
Trigger Ca 0x1![Help - how to add the trigger to the macro Help - how to add the trigger to the macro](images/qm/help.png)
Macro Macro3166
Trigger Ca 0x1
![Help - how to add the trigger to the macro Help - how to add the trigger to the macro](images/qm/help.png)
;int w1=act(win("- Notepad" "Notepad"))
str text
int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &sub.Hook_WH_KEYBOARD_LL _hinst 0)
opt waitmsg 1
wait 5
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh
out text
#sub Hook_WH_KEYBOARD_LL v
function# nCode message KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT&k
if(nCode<0 or k.flags&LLKHF_UP) goto gNext
;FormatKeyString k.vkCode 0 &_s; out _s ;;debug
word ch=sub.KeyToChar(k.vkCode k.scanCode)
if(ch) text.formata("%C" ch)
ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode message &k)
#sub KeyToChar
function@ vk sc
sel vk
,case VK_PACKET ret sc
int mod=GetMod
if(mod&8 or mod~1=2) ret
int w=child
int tid=GetWindowThreadProcessId(w 0); if(!tid) ret
int hkl=GetKeyboardLayout(tid)
ARRAY(byte) ks.create(256)
if(mod&1) ks[VK_SHIFT]=0x80
if(mod&2) ks[VK_CONTROL]=0x80
if(mod&4) ks[VK_MENU]=0x80
ifk(K 1) ks[VK_CAPITAL]=1
long u
int n=ToUnicodeEx(vk sc &ks[0] +&u 4 4 hkl)
if(n!=1) ret
int r=u&0xffff
if(r<32) ret
ret r