04-28-2022, 11:37 AM
Hope the this helps. This is probably easier understand, but longer code.
The function (SetEndThreadHotkey), will allow you to terminate the thread with any Function key. default "F12"
Function Increment_Num_Notepad
Function SetEndThreadHotkey
The function (SetEndThreadHotkey), will allow you to terminate the thread with any Function key. default "F12"
Function Increment_Num_Notepad
;// Increment_Num_Notepad \\
;;;;;2022-04-28 Thursday - 07.26.26
int i=1
str s s1 sw
str wd = "word"
SetEndThreadHotkey "F12" ;; «--‹‹ ≡KILL SWITCH≡ --- Change to any "Fxx" Function Key.
;;;;; Loop
if i < 9
,s1 = "000"
if i > 9
,s1 = "00"
if i > 99
,s1 = "0"
if i > 9999
,goto Bottom
s=i ;; <--- Convert incremented number to string, for output in notepad.
sw.from(wd s1 s) ;; <--- Combine: "word" + "0xx" + "x" = Eg. word+000+1
int w1=act(win("Untitled - Notepad" "Notepad")) ;; <--- This will activate Notepad evry loop.
;;;--> lef 167 72 w1 1 ;;editable text ;; <--- Remarked so won't steal the mouse.
outp (sw); 'Y ;; <--- Output string in Notepad and Enter to new line.
wait 60 ;; <--- Wait a Minute.
i + 1 ;; <--- Increment number x1.
goto Loop ;; <--- Start Loop again.
;;;;; Bottom
;End Function
Function SetEndThreadHotkey
function $hotkey
;Sets a hotkey to end current thread (running macro or function).
;hotkey - a single key without modifiers (Ctrl etc), specified as QM key code like with <help>key</help> and QM keyboard triggers.
;SetEndThreadHotkey "F8"
,;out 1
,;wait 1
int mod vk; if(!TO_HotkeyFromQmKeys(hotkey mod vk)) end "invalid hotkey string"
if(mod) end "modifier keys not supported"
QMTHREAD qt; GetQmThreadInfo(0 qt)
mac "sub.Thread" "" qt.threadhandle vk
#sub Thread
function ht vk
int- __ht82657(ht) __vk82657(vk)
int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &sub.Hook_WH_KEYBOARD_LL _hinst 0)
opt waitmsg 1
wait 0 H ht
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh
function# nCode message KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT&k
if(nCode<0) goto gNext
if(k.flags&(LLKHF_UP|LLKHF_INJECTED)) goto gNext
int- __ht82657 __vk82657
if k.vkCode=__vk82657
,EndThread "" __ht82657
,ret 1
ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode message &k)