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Execute the powershell code with another method
Thanks for your help

Many times, I don't need to install Powershell7, it is enough to use Powershell5

I thought of another way, generate an exe program using the QM2 code below, Then call this program from QM3, No additional DLL files are required

Execution speed seems to be a little faster than using PsCmd2 command

Called in PS3 like this
var commands = """
run.console("PSrun.exe", "{commands}");

But two unresolved issues were encountered  Huh

Function PSrun
Copy      Help
;Todo1: Parse the received parameters

str pscode=
;Get-Process | out-string

CsScript x

str psout=x.Call("PS_Code.RunPs" pscode)

;Todo2: When an error occurs, an error message is output
;;;;;;;;and currently, when there is an error, it is returned as empty
out psout

using System;
using System.Management.Automation;

public class PS_Code
,public static void RunPs(string command)
,,using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
,,,var results = ps.AddScript(command).Invoke();
,,,foreach (var result in results)
,,,// report non-runspace-terminating errors, if any.
,,,foreach (var error in ps.Streams.Error)
,,,,Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: " + error.ToString());

Messages In This Thread
RE: Execute the powershell code with another method - by Davider - 08-10-2022, 12:21 PM

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