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Code Formatter
Library to format code with a lot of build in options and styles. OC site to all avaliable options:
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// AStyleInterface.cs
/// AStyleInterface contains methods to call the Artistic Style formatter.
public class AStyleInterface
    // Dll name
private const string SOLIBVER = "3.2.0";
private const string dllName = "AStyle32.dll";
    /// AStyleGetVersion DllImport.
    /// Cannot use string as a return value because Mono runtime will attempt to
    /// free the returned pointer resulting in a runtime crash.
    /// NOTE: CharSet.Unicode is NOT used here.
    private static extern IntPtr AStyleGetVersion();

    /// AStyleMainUtf16 DllImport.
    /// Cannot use string as a return value because Mono runtime will attempt to
    /// free the returned pointer resulting in a runtime crash.
    /// NOTE: CharSet.Unicode and wide strings ARE used here.
    [DllImport(dllName, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern IntPtr AStyleMainUtf16(
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string textIn,
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string options,
        AStyleErrorDelgate AStyleError,
        AStyleMemAllocDelgate AStyleMemAlloc

    /// AStyleMainUtf16 callbacks.
    /// NOTE: Wide strings are NOT used here.
    private delegate void AStyleErrorDelgate(
        int errorNum,
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string error
    private delegate IntPtr AStyleMemAllocDelgate(int size);

    /// Error handler to abort the program.
    private void Error(string message)
    {;"The program has terminated!");

    /// Call the AStyleMainUtf16 function in Artistic Style.
    /// An empty string is returned on error.
    public string FormatSource(string textIn, string options)

        // Return the allocated string
        // Memory space is allocated by AStyleMemAlloc, a callback function

        string sTextOut = String.Empty;

            IntPtr pText = AStyleMainUtf16(textIn, options,
                                           AStyleError, AStyleMemAlloc);

            if (pText != IntPtr.Zero)

                sTextOut = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pText);

        catch (BadImageFormatException e)

            Error("You may be mixing 32 and 64 bit code!");

        catch (DllNotFoundException)

            Error("Cannot load native library: " + dllName);

        catch (Exception e)


        return sTextOut;

    /// Get the Artistic Style version number.
    public string GetVersion()

        string sVersion = String.Empty;

            IntPtr pVersion = AStyleGetVersion();

            if (pVersion != IntPtr.Zero)

                sVersion = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pVersion);

        catch (BadImageFormatException e)

            Error("You may be mixing 32 and 64 bit code!");

        catch (DllNotFoundException)

            Error("Cannot load native library: " + dllName);

        catch (Exception e)


        return sVersion;

    /// AStyleMainUtf16 callback to allocate memory for the return string.
    private IntPtr AStyleMemAlloc(int size)

        return Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

    /// AStyleMainUtf16 callback to display errors from Artistic Style.
    private void AStyleError(int errorNumber, string error)
    {"AStyle error " + errorNumber + "\n" + error);

   // class AStyleInterface

Usage example, formatting the active doc in LA:
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role editorExtension;
testInternal Au.Editor;
r Au.Editor.dll;
r Au.Controls.dll;
c \AStyleInterface.cs;

using Au.Controls;

var activeDoc = Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc;
var aStyle = new AStyleInterface();

activeDoc.zText = aStyle.FormatSource(activeDoc.zText, "style=allman");

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Messages In This Thread
Code Formatter - by marktech - 11-17-2022, 08:55 PM
RE: Code Formatter - by Gintaras - 02-13-2023, 01:47 PM
RE: Code Formatter - by Gintaras - 02-13-2023, 03:20 PM

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